It’s always nice to have positive feedback, so we were delighted with the write up we received from one of our co-workers, Dr. Jennifer Smith, academic at Warwick University Economics Department and member of the Government’s independent Migration Advisory Committee.
Since September 2020 I have made regular use of the Shared Working Area at Minerva Mill – my regular workplace at Warwick University was not allowing staff to work there, and my sons are at Alcester Grammar School, and I was thrilled to find there was an office space I could use that provided a better working environment than home and enabled me to multitask as school transport too! Even better, the office was in the beautiful building that is Minerva Mill. And the icing on the cake (literally, and often) was The Bubble cafe just above the shared working area. Chris’s sandwiches and coffee have kept me going over the past few months and my sons have been spoiled by her great chocolate brownies and cakes. The facilities in the shared area are ideal: plenty of sockets, spacious desk table, comfortable office chairs, and a kitchen area with kettle, coffee, tea, milk and a fridge. I have been very productive during my time there – it’s been a bonus to avoid the distractions of home working. The wifi is excellent so video-conferencing has been easy. I’ve even recorded some of my asynchronous lectures in the shared working area.

I teach postgraduate and undergraduate students macroeconomics and labour economics – obviously plenty to talk about at present – and I think we’ve all coped and adapted very well to the challenges of teaching and learning online this year. My time as one of the government’s independent advisers on migration issues is coming to an end, after what has been a supremely challenging time, with Brexit as well as more regular analysis of labour shortages, key sectors, international students, and more. Minerva Mill and the shared working area has provided me a perfect location to work productively, and the flexibility to sometimes work a full week and sometimes the odd day suits the demands of my job very well. And I cannot have a more fitting ending than to praise the amazingly efficient and friendly staff at Minerva Mill, who help foster its calm, collaborative and creative environment.
#co-working #Alcester #flexibleworking #worklocal
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